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Sfântul Paisie Velicikovski, trăirea și lucrarea duhovnicească în obștea Schitului Sfântul Ilie din Muntele Athos
Arhim. Dr. Hrisant (Antonios) Tsachakis Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
It is very well known in the orthodox balkan world that the holy Abbot Paisie Velicikovski from Neamts, is one of the greatest ascetic and spiritual father of our Orthodox Church and represents an example for all Christians. For those who are living...
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Imnografii Întâmpinării – analiză istorică și hermeneutică teologico- liturgică. Studiu de caz: imnografia zilei de 2 februarie
Drd. Iuliana Timofti Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
From Romanos the Melodist to John of Damascus and Cosmas of Maiuma, the hymnography of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord will know the peak of its development in the 8th century through the Savaite monastic school. Fruits of the Church's...
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The Doxological and Eucharistic Theology of Paschal Hymnography and Mystagogy
Protos. Drd. Gherasim Soca Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The goal of any theological endeavor is to partake God. By theology we mean not mere rational speculation, but a whole complex of logical and mental (noetic), liturgical and symbolic-mystical, verbal and meditative acts. Moreover, by partaking God...
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Sfânta Liturghie – cânt teologic și școală a rugăciunii
Drd. Andrei Irina Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The most gracious and highest form of manifesting the religious dimension through which man can mirror his sacramental connection with God is the divine service. The divine service is „the expression of the most sincere prayer, the most profound...
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Preoții și Preoția din perspectiva Mitropolitului profesor Irineu Mihălcescu
Pr. Drd. Petru-Ionuț Irimia Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In the present study, we do not want to make an exhaustive presentation from a liturgical or dogmatic point of view of the Mystery of the Priesthood as it is perceived in the life of the Church, but we want to highlight, by researching the pastorals...
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Învățătura creștină despre Sfânta Cruce în creația imnografică a Sfântului Teodor Studitul (759-826)
Diac. Drd. Stelian GHEORGHIASA Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The present study intends to present how Saint Theodore the Studite expresses the Orthodox Christian teaching on the Holy Cross in his hymnography. We began by briefly showing the major importance that the Holy Cross has in the Christian life, both...
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Elemente mariologice de spiritualitate liturgică în scrierile autorilor creștini timpurii
Drd. Gheorghiță-Mădălin CEOBANU Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In our study, we aim to present several mariological elements of liturgical spirituality taken from the writings of early Christian authors: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Saint Polycarp of Smyrna, Saint Justin Martyr and Philosopher and Tertullian....
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Efervescenţa imnografic-literară generată de Sărbătoarea Naşterii Maicii Domnului în perioada dintre secolele al VI-lea şi al VII-lea reflectată în cărţile de slujbă ortodoxe
Pr. Drd. Dănuț BĂCĂUANU Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The contribution of the ecclesiastical hymnographers to the liturgical transposition of the Church's previous knowledge about the Mother of God, confessed through writings, dogmas, odes and utterances, becomes the supplier of the object of work of...
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Liturghiile siro-iacobite – prezentare și surse
Drd. Ammar Awad Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Romanian liturgical sources often mention that there are over seventy Syriac Anaphoras, though they seldom delve into precise details about this subject. Some Romanian references, however, have undertaken the study of a subset of these Anaphoras and...
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A doua anafora antiohiană a celor Doisprezece Apostoli – o traducere în română
Drd. Ammar Awad Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In the context of studying the history of the liturgy, to comprehend and experience it, the Antiochene Anaphoras represents a significant area that has yet to receive adequate scholarly attention. This article aims to provide the Romanian...
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De „Mistique Ordonnances” du Prêtre (II): Les „Prières du Lucernaire” des Vêpres et leurs significations théologiques, liturgiques et spirituelles
Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Lucian Petroaia Facultatea de Istorie, Filosofie și Teologie, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”, Galați
Dans le christianisme, le temps est une réalité qui, à travers le culte liturgique, est offert comme un sacrifice à Dieu, de même que d'autres matériaux: le pain, l'eau, l'huile, les myrons, la cire. Les années, les mois et les jours de la...
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Perspective ale isihasmului creștin răsăritean în spațiul spiritual contemporan
Conf. Univ. Dr. Cristian PETCU Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Sfântul Apostol Andrei”, Constanţa
The theological discourse of contemporary Orthodoxy has acquired new spaces for preaching and carrying out the work of the Church by reorienting itself towards spirituality, while the postmodern society would receive unexpected answers from the...
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Peace as a liturgical petition in St. John Chrysostom's exegetical homilies
Arhim. Dr. Meletios KOURAKLIS Universitatea Națională și Capodistriană din Atena, Grecia
Before I start, please allow me to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for receiving your invitation to this ceremony. As the title of my presentation indicates, I will be analysing the liturgical usage of the term “peace” in the context...
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Părintele Profesor Doctor Viorel Sava, la aniversarea a 60 de ani de la naștere – activitatea ştiințifică
Drd. Gheorghiță-Mădălin CEOBANU Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
This study is the extension of the paper written by Rev. Assist. Prof. PhD Gabriel-Alin Piștea and is dedicated to Rev. Professor PhD Viorel Sava, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. In our study we intend to present the scientific activity of...
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Părintele Profesor Dr. Viorel Sava, la aniversarea a 60 de ani de la naștere
Pr. Asist. Univ. Dr. Gabriel Piștea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Father Professor Viorel Sava is a landmark and a reference point of contemporary Romanian theology, especially in the field in which he has become an international specialist: Liturgical Theology. Professor by vocation and devoted priest, we try...
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Personajul colectiv, model de pocăinţă pentru comunitatea pastorală contemporană – reflectare imnografică triodală
Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Viorel Sava Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In our article entitled The Collective Character - A Model of Penitence for Today's Pastoral Community In a Triodion Hymnography reflection, we focused on some groups of people as models of repentance/penitence as described in the Triodion...
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Unificarea învățământului teologic-seminarial din Principatele Române, prin Legea Instrucțiunii Publice
Pr. Drd. Dănuț NOVAC Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul”, București
The institutional changes that came with the Union of the two Principalities, on January 24, 1859, under Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1859-1866), influenced, as expected, the evolution of theological education. In this context, theological seminaries...
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Cuviosul Antipa de la Calapodești (1816-1882), 3 ani de viețuire în Mănăstirea „Tuturor Sfinților Români și ai Athonului” Bucium, Iași
Drd. Lucian Mihail Moisei Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The 19 th century was dominated by the struggle of Romanians from all over the world to gain independence, to forge unity and to develop the cultural and economic life of the country. As far as the Church in Moldova and Wallachia is concerned, this...
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Problema școlilor de cântareți bisericești din Mitropolia Moldovei și Sucevei la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea și debutul secolului al XX-lea
Pr. dr. Vasile-Lucian V. Goldan Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The liturgical chant is the one that completes the prayer in the Orthodox Church, it being inherited from Byzantium, and in the territory of the Romanian countries it has known both periods of stagnation and evolution. The church singer or the...
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Considerații privind Fondul Bisericesc în perioada Mitropolitului Visarion Puiu
Pr. Drd. Viorel-Ioan Cozmei Facultatea de Istorie şi Geografie, Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava
The period in which the Church Fund is administered by the State (1919-1931) is described as being particularly inefficient. In 1935, Metropolitan Visarion Puiu was elected in Bucovina. A hierarch with a special organizational vocation, who comes...
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Arhiereul Gurie Grosu și reforma calendaristică în Basarabia
Dr. Lucian Corduneanu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
This study presents the adoption context of the corrected calendar within the Romanian Orthodox Church. The implementation of this measure in the Diocese of Bessarabia led by Bishop Gurie Grosu, the problems arising from the introduction of the...
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A parallel reading of the Christian perception of love and the ethics of utility. Similarities and Differences
Drd. Marlena Zerva Facultatea de Teologie, Școala de Teologie Socială și Cultură Creștină, Universitatea Aristotel din Salonic, Grecia
The meaning of happiness that the utilitarian theory highlights concerns the happiness of all not only one’s in particular. If someone had to decide between his own happiness and that of others, the utilitarian theory requires that person to be an...
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Aspecte ale dezvoltării personale la Ken Wilber. O evaluare teologico-misionară
Drd. Iulian Vrabie Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
For over a century, psychologists have been actively creating innovative theories of human development. Many of these theories are also relevant to understanding spiritual and religious growth. Some of these are important general theories of human...
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Simion Mehedinți – pedagog creștin
Pr. Drd. Ioan Puiu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Raised in the spirit of the Holy Gospel by his parents, studying at highschool from Roman and Bucuresti, well known then as the creator of Romanian geography teaching, important educator and science man, Simion Mehedinti will preach through his...
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Lumea textului și a limbajului religios în viziunea filosofului Paul Ricoeur
Drd. Bogdan MAXIM Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In this study we want to observe the evolution of language by analyzing language as discourse, highlighting the relationship between language and writing, and understanding a text correctly. Paul Ricoeur tries to understand, to believe and to find a...
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Mișcarea religioasă Oastea Domnului – perspective la centenar (1923-2023)
Pr. Drd. Mihai Liviu MARICI Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
A spiritual movement for the spiritual revival of the Romanian Orthodoxy, which began as a call to battle of evangelical nature, against swearing and drunkenness, the most common cancers of society in the era, but also a fight, following strict...
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Implicații științifice și teologice ale muzicii și cântării sacre pentru viața creștină
Drd. Iustinian Florentin JIPA Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The study aims to identify and highlight the absolutely important role that music plays in human life, focusing on its sacred side. Music represents a common point in the encounter between science and theology, because it has physical and...
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Aspecte teologico-morale ale conceptului de „utopie”
Drd. Rareș Daniel ILIE Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
From a theological and moral point of view, the present research topic aims to undertake an objective analysis on a problem that has been intriguing the human consciousness since ancient times. The utopian systems that the individual tried to...
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Părintele duhovnicesc – un adevărat medic de suflete
Pr. Drd. Marius Ionuț HABA Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The confessor is a spiritual physician, serving as a minister of the Holy Mysteries with the stated1 aim of healing the penitent. Having this great calling, the spiritual father must lead an angelic life so that he may be able to comfort and give...
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Asistența religioasă specifică unor Capelanate militare din Orient (India, Sri Lanka, Coreea de Sud și Israel)
Pr. Drd. Constantin Cătălin CÂRLOANȚĂ Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Through this article we have set out to address this topic regarding how religious assistance is organized in several armies in the East and understanding the existing differences. Although there are significant differences regarding the integration...
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Caracterul edificator al anxietății existențiale la Søren Kierkegaard. Interferențe cu teologia ortodoxă
Drd. Vlăduț Cârlan Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In this article I will analyze some theological and philosophical characteristics of the state of existential anxiety, from the perspective of the Danish philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855). The main idea is that although there...
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The influence of the family environment on the development of the unborn child
Drd. Emanuel Buta Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The development of the foetus or unborn child is directly influenced by the mother's condition and the family environment, according to the words of contemporary Holy Fathers and scientific research in the field. If the mother has kind thoughts,...
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Unitarianism și Trinitate în penticostalismul global. O analiză teologică ortodoxă
Pr. Drd. Alexandru Baciu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
We would be tempted to say that after two millennia of Christianity, after a long period in which the Church of Christ had moments of hard trial, of defense, affirmation, reaffirmation of the teaching of faith concerning the dogma of the Holy...
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Viziunea pluralistă a sensului vieții sau viața fără nici un sens. Câteva considerații teologice pe marginea unor reflecții filosofice
Drd. Ciprian Apostol Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In addition to giving meaning to life ourselves – as if life did not already have a meaning – and intimately related to this, no longer to conceive the meaning of life as a religious matter appealing to God in this regard, one might also add that...
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Integrarea cântării religioase ca ipostaziere a misiunii educaționale a Bisericii
Drd. Maria Camelia Angheluș Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In the same manner as prayer, chanting brings one closer to God, and has a reviving influence on the soul, aiming towards the achievement of the most noble ideals. Music is one of the main forms by means of which the religious sentiment is...
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Porunca iubirii aproapelui și rolul ei fundamental în mântuirea creștinului, reflectată în opera Sf. Iustin cel Nou de la Celie și a părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae
Lect. Dr. Ilche Micevski-Ignat Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Sfântul Kliment de Ohrid”, Skopje
After the first divine commandment to love God with all our being, follows the second most important one, namely, to love our neighbour. Love of neighbour has a fundamental meaning in the spiritual life of Christians and in their salvation. Also,...
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Inter-Christian Relations at the beginning of the 20th century: The Contribution of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the Development of Relations among Christian Churches
Dr. Ioannis Ladas Facultatea de Teologie, Școala de Teologie Socială și Cultură Creștină, Universitatea Aristotel din Salonic, Grecia
The rapprochement of the Orthodox Church with all non-Orthodox Christian Churches and Confessions and the strengthening and development of relations with them has always been a matter of the immediate ecclesiastical perspective of the Ecumenical...
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„Teologhisiri” la un mileniu distanţă. Sfântul Simeon şi „noii teologi”
Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Dan Sandu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Books like Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou’ s Thinking Orthodox, are not published often, summing up an experience of 40 years of teaching and lecturing in different universities around the globe is meant to clarify the present state of the Orthodox...
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Patristic views on the relationship between man and animals
Prof. Dr. Miltiadis Vantsos School of Social Theology and Christian Culture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Man's attitude towards animals was considered by the Church Fathers to be an important part of his spiritual life and his mission in the world, and for this reason the relevant patristic references are extensive and certainly cannot be presented in...
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Misiunea Bisericii în lumina Epistolei către Filipeni 1, 1-2, 18
Pr. Drd. Teodor-Cristian Ștefan Școala Doctorală de Teologie Ortodoxă „Isidor Todoran”, Universitatea „Babeș-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, România
Această lucrare evidențiază misiunea fiecărui credincios ca parte integrantă a Bisericii, în lumina secțiunii Filipeni 1, 1-2, 18. Una dintre principalele teme ale acestei pericope alese este importanța unității în cadrul Bisericii. Sf....
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„Fericirile” în varianta lucanică. O perspectivă exegetică și teologică (Lc. 6, 20-23)
Pr. Drd. Nicolae-Ioan Boboaia Școala Doctorală de Teologie Ortodoxă „Isidor Todoran”, Universitatea „Babeș-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, România
The present article deals with the "beatitudes" being in the version of the Gospel according to Luke. They represent one of the thematic part of the Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes which Christ refers to presents, in a paradoxical way, the fact...
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The Hymn of Elder Simeon in Luke 2: 29-32. Its Narrative Context and Theology
Prof. Dr. Daniel Ayuch Universitatea din Balamand, Liban
In the Gospel of Luke, we find several canticles, particularly in the Infancy narratives. Three main characters of the Gospel praise the Lord in wonderful hymns that are preserved and used in the Orthodox Liturgy until today: The Megalynarion of the...
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Interesul Sfântului Paisie Velicikovski pentru scrierile filocalice
Arhim. Dr. Hrisant (Antonios) Tsachakis Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
It is very well known in the orthodox balkan world that the holy Abbot Paisie Velicikofski from Neamts, is one of the greatest ascetic and spiritual father of our Orthodox Church and represents an example for all Christians. For those who are living...
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Istoricul și dezvoltarea liturgică a Praznicului Întâmpinării Domnului în Răsărit. Celebrare și integrare în cult
Drd. Iuliana Timofti Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
This study aims to present the history of the feast celebrating the Presentation of the Lord at the Temple (otherwise called the Hypapante feast, from the Gr. Ὑπαπαντή - meeting) in the Eastern part of the Christendom from a theological and a...
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Réjouis-toi, «la divine Source du Paradis». La Mère de Dieu dans l’hymnographie du Pentecostaire
Protos. Drd. Gherasim Soca Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In the theology and hymnography of the liturgical period of the Pentecostarion, the Theotokos holds a prominent place as the one chosen by God the Father to offer human nature to His Incarnate Son and, therefore, as the first one to see her...
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Manuscrise ale Arhieraticoanelor românești din Biblioteca Academiei Române
Diac. Drd. Ciprian Rusu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Archieratikon (slav. Chinovnik, eng. Bishop's Service Book) is the name for the service book that includes on one hand the liturgical guide (gr. typikon), together with the content of the services officiated only by the bishops: like cheirotonia and...
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Primul Arhieraticon românesc tipărit cu binecuvântarea Sfântului Sinod (1890)
Diac. Drd. Ciprian Rusu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Within the complex process of appearance, development and crystallization of the service book called Arhieraticon in Romanian, the role and importance of the 1890 edition is a fundamental one. In a period characterized by a great variety and...
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Înmormântarea mirenilor în Molitfelnicele Sinodale – studiu istorico-liturgic
Pr. Drd. Dănuț-Bogdan Palcău Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Romanian Church has came up with 17 editions of the Euchologion after received the autocephaly. From the rites presented in this book, without a doubt, the one which is mostly used is the funeral of the laity....
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Măreția Preoției, preocuparea pentru predică și grija pentru sănătatea trupească și sufletească a păstoriților observate în activitatea și opera Mitropolitului Pimen Georgescu (1909-1934)
Pr. Drd. Petru-Ionuț Irimia Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The Hierarch Pimen Georgescu, also known as the “Metropolitan of War”, in his activity of 25 years as Metropolitan of Iassi, was careful to intervene not only in healing the aftermath of the war - the wounded, sick, orphans, widows, poverty, fear...
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Cântărețul bisericesc – analiză cantitativă și calitativă a ocupației
Pr. dr. Mihăiţă Lucian Filip Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The church singer is a trained person with musical abilities who sings and reads in and out of the church, along with the priest, in religious services, and who deals with the training of believers to learn religious songs. The church singer, in...
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Caracterul mariologic al Sfeștaniei
Pr. Drd. Daniel Duca Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The service of the Sanctification of the Water has a clear mariological character. The hymnography proper to the liturgical service consists of numerous prayers dedicated to the Mother of God. Although originally the current service was served as a...
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Prima anafora antiohiană a celor doisprezece apostoli. Sursă liturgică primară cvasicunoscută în spațiul românesc
Drd. Ammar Awad Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Since the twenties of the last century, the Anaphora of the Apostles, which is the subject of this study, has been the focus of attention of liturgical scholars. This is due to Patriarch Rahmani's discovery of the striking similarity between it and...
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De „mistique ordonnance” du prêtre (I): les prières au cours de l’Office de Matines et leurs significations théologiques, liturgiques et spirituels
Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Lucian Petroaia Facultatea de Istorie, Filosofie și Teologie, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”, Galați
Few Christians know that, apart from what it is seen in the church (movements, gestures or small liturgical rituals), the priest also performs unseen ordinances, required by his status as a sanctified person and by the liturgical services. Some of...
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From the Light of Prayer to Pastoral Theology: Aspects of Episcopal Ministry in the Writings of Saint Ephrem the Syrian
Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Bassam A. Nassif St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology University of Balamand, Lebanon
Saint Ephrem the Syrian has a special message to offer to theology today. The model he gives in opening the spiritual eyes for the light of Christ to radiate in his body, leads to radiating this light into pastoral action. Thus, pastoral theology...
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Credința ortodoxă și rugăciunea în viața și opera părintelui profesor Ilarion V. Felea
Preasfințitul Dr. Emilian Crișanul Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Ilarion V. Felea”, Arad
The life of Father Ilarion V. Felea's life, in its various aspects, sacramentally, in the parishes in which he served, academically-scientifically, as a teacher at the Theological Academies of Sibiu and Arad, but especially the ordeal of...
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Semnificații teologico-duhovnicești ale spațiului liturgic – înțelesuri de altădată pentru omul de azi
Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Viorel Sava Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Our article is concentrated on the main significances of the liturgical space. The idea to concentrate on such a topic was inspirated by the Prayer year as 2022 was dedicated in Romanian Patriarchate. Speaking about prayer we need to refer to the...
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Un Sfânt isihast român, puțin cunoscut Cuviosul Antipa de la Calapodești
Drd. Lucian Mihail Moisei Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The uninterrupted existence of thousands of hermits and hundreds of hermitages with monastic life in the Romanian Lands, since the 14th century, was the reason why, monks from neighbouring countries, such as Vasile de la Poiana Mărului (1692-1767),...
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Vederea luminii dumnezeiești la Sfinții Isihaști Simeon Noul Teolog și Grigore Palama
Pr. Lect. Univ. Dr Ilarion Mâță Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In the context of the Homage Year of prayer in the life of the Church and of the christian and of the Commemorative Year dedicated to the Hesychast saints Simeon the New Theologian, Grigore Palama and Paisie from Neamț Monastery dedicated by the...
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An East Syriac Patriarch of the late 6th century and his Christians in Eastern Arabia. Contextualization and Preliminary Remarks on the Letter of Ishoyahb I to Jacob of Dirin
Drd. Andrei Macar Facultatea de Teologie Evanghelică, Göttingen, Germania
Ishoyahb I was Catholicos-Patriarch of the Church of the East (the so called “Nestorian Church”) in a time of significant liturgical changes. These started with the patriarchate of Mar Aba (540-552) and continued till the 7th century. In this...
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The contribution of the Patriarchate of Romania at the beginning of preparation of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (1902-1932)
Dr. Ioannis Ladas School of Social Theology and Christian Culture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church is admittedly one of the most important Orthodox ecclesiastical events of the 21st cent. The Council’s 2016 convening was finally made possible after a very long and arduous preparatory process of...
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Dezvoltarea curentului isihast prin lucrarea misionară pan-ortodoxă din secolul al XVIII-lea. Sfântului Nicodim Aghioritul, continuator al lucrării misionare inițiate de Sfântul Paisie Velicicovschi
Pr. dr. Vasile-Lucian V. Goldan Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Nicholas, the future monk Nicodemus, arrives in the Holy Mount Athos at the moment of the public conviction of “alms”. A situation not exactly favorable for prayer and meditation, given the fact that at that time more and more monks were leaving...
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Biserica Ortodoxă Rusă în spațiul baltic între anii 1836-1848
Drd. Andrei Gaju Facultatea de Teologie Evanghelică, Göttingen, Germania
In the first half of the 18th century Russia enlarged its borders and became an empire stretching from the steppes of Central Asia to the Baltic Sea. As a result, along with the territories and different ethnic groups, the religious traditions of...
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Viziunea lui Clement Alexandrinul despre rugăciune
Drd. Mărioara Drăgan Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul”, București
The endeavour of Clement of Alexandria to weave the power of the graceful unity between theology as a prayer experienced in personal life, as a spiritual exercise in the complex process of contemplation, as evidenced by his writings, and theology as...
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Aspecte din activitatea pastorală a mitropolitului Gurie Grosu al Basarabiei (1928-1936)
Drd. Lucian Corduneanu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
This study covers the period of years 1928-1936, of the activity of Metropolitan Gurie of Bessarabia, under several aspects: pastoral, missionary, cultural, ecclesiastical, social and even political. Analysing the writings, speeches, sermons,...
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Protopopii Protopopiatului Chișineu-Criș (1919-1968)
Drd. Alin Florin Ciotea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Ilarion V. Felea”, Arad
In the second half of the 18th century, the Diocese of Arad consisted of a number of eleven archdioceses. Among them was the Chisinau-Cris Archdiocese, based in the homonymous town. For 200 years, the history of the Diocese of Arad has been marked...
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Activitatea social-umanitară a societăților de binefacere în vreme de război
Drd. Ema-Elena Bogdan Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Metropolitan Pimen Georgescu shepherded at a time when the Romanian Orthodox Church and our country have crossed a tense period through the prism of the First World War. During the Wars, the Church accompanied the military troops on the battlefield...
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Sfântul Cuvios Paisie Velicicovschi, promotor al isihasmului neamțean
Arhim. Dr. Benedict Sauciuc Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul”, București
The life of Saint Paisie is very well known and he dedicated himself to God from his youth. During his time in Mount Athos he discovered the work and thoughts of Saint Gregory Palamas and decided to adopt the hesychastic way of life. His coming to...
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The ascetic dimensions of the prayer within the theology of Saint Simeon the New Theologian
Conf. Univ. Dr. Cristian PETCU Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Sfântul Apostol Andrei”, Constanţa
For Saint Simeon the New Theologian, the prayer is a spiritual path by means of which the one who chooses to follow this path destroys the passions of the body. In the thoughts of the holy father, the prayer is not a work that belongs to the human...
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The Benefit of the Patient in the Hippocratic Oath and the Golden Rule of Christian Ethics
Drd. Marlena Zerva School of Social Theology and Christian Culture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Modern medical science aims at the benefit of the patient which is achieved through the treatment of the patient. The physician must act in the best interest of the patient and consequently his health. In an ideal world every doctor besides treating...
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Preocupări asupra dezvoltării personale în contextul actual. O evaluare misiologică
Drd. Iulian Vrabie Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The purpose of this article is to present some aspects related to the concept of personal development as understood in the context of contemporary society, in a critical analysis from the perspective of Eastern theology. The importance and meaning...
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Mintea și inima la Sfântul Luca al Crimeei. Perspective filocalice și fiziologice
Pr. Drd. Marian-Ionuț Ursu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In this study I will show the mystical content of the notions of mind and heart, as well as the relationship between them, presenting some physiological-medical approaches that confirm the spiritual doctrine of the union of mind and heart. An...
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«As an Angel of Light», Imagination and Discernment at Prayer. An Essay in Comparison between Diadochus of Photike and Symeon the New Theologian
Pr. Prof. Dr. Marcelo Singh Universidad Católica de Salta, Argentina
In 2 Corinthians 11: 14 Saint Paul warns us about the tricks of Satan that can disguise himself as an angel of light. The exegesis of this text raises in some authors a reflection about the necessity of discernment during prayer. Imagination could...
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A missionary perspective of the importance that spiritual growth has in the lives of the faithful in accordance to the writings of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
Pr. Drd. Simion Purice Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
This paper analyses from a missionary perspective, in accordance to the writings of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, the importance that spiritual growth has in the lives of the faithful. The growth of the Church can be explained...
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Rugăciunea și creștinismul românesc în viziunea lui Simeon Mehedinți
Pr. Drd. Ioan Puiu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
How the prayer and the work of the Church was seen at the beginning of the XX century by the great researcher and teacher Simeon Mehedinți, the one that said “the value of one people, and also of every human in part, can be measured by how much one...
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Babai cel Mare și sistematizarea doctrinei hristologice în Biserica Siro-Orientală (sec. VI-VII)
Drd. Iustinian-Ioan Mîndrilă Facultatea de Teologie Evanghelică, Göttingen, Germania
The Church of the East, or the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, as it is officially called, was known for a long time in the Church History books of the Eastern Orthodox Christianity as well as of all Western Churches as the „...
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Sfântul Paisie Velicikovski revigorator al monahismului și părinte al rugăciunii lui Iisus
Drd. Ionel-Florentin Micu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Sfântul Andrei Șaguna”, Sibiu
Saint Paisius Velichkovsky, one of the most accomplished figures of the Romanian spiritual ife in the 18th century, was among the most prominent teachers of large monastic communities and of the Jesus Prayer. His spiritual teachings have left an...
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Rugăciunea pentru cei adormiţi, legătura iubirii între cer şi pământ, exprimată în Sfânta Scriptură şi Sfânta Tradiţie
Pr. Drd. Cristin Ioan Loghin Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In Orthodoxy, the cult of the deceaseds has a special importance and scope. After the death of a person, the soul, by being eternal, remains in touch with the Church. The foundations of prayer and worship for those who passed are the following: a)...
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L'expérience de la rencontre de Dieu : convergences entre la théologie patristique et la spiritualité pentecôtiste
Drd. Adrian Radu Leș Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Cluj-Napoca
La ressemblance entre les expériences spirituelles décrites par de nombreux Pères de l'Église et la manifestation du Saint-Esprit dans les nouveaux mouvements charismatiques a déjà été remarquée par certains théologiens. Cette étude vise à découvrir...
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The Sacramental Mission of the Orthodox Church in Contemporary Europe
Drd. Mihai-Viorel Hirt Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul”, București
In order to establish correctly the present context of the Church's testimony, it is necessary to establish briefly the pluralism and tolerance within modernism and the dialectic between modernism and post-modernism. For this reason, this issue can...
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Două practici ale vieții duhovnicești: atenția asupra propriei vieți și starea de priveghere. Importanța lor în viața duhovnicească
Drd. Alexandru Crețu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The importance of paying attention to one's life is important because it is meant to keep the believer more and more from remaining in the way of the Lord. In the writings of the New Testament, the phrase „remembering yourself” is used at least...
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„Asaltul Cerului” – Søren Kierkegaard și Ioan Scărarul. O analiză asupra pseudonimiei filosofului danez
Drd. Vlăduț Cârlan Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Four of the pseudonyms under which Søren Kierkegaard wrote his work reflect the mystical dimension and emphasis on interiority, and two of them have the equivalent in historical figuers: (1) Johannes Climacus - St. John of The Ladder, 7th century...
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Creștinul, între viața lăuntrică și implicarea socială. Angajarea în dezbaterile despre statutul copilului nenăscut
Drd. Emanuel Buta Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
This article aims to explore the place of the Christians in society, especially regarding their involvement in the debates about the status of the unborn child. The paper assesses two opposing ways of understanding the Christian life – one of them...
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Virtutea curajului în filosofia antică și la Părinții filocalici
Asist. Univ. Dr. Bogdan-Vlăduț Brînză Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The aim of this article is to present in short the vision over the virtue of courage in the Classical Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle in comparison with some Philokalic Fathers as Peter of Damascus, Elder Barsanuphius, Nikitas Stithatos and others...
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Contemporanii Sfântului Grigorie Palama. Perspectivă istorică și teologică
Pr. Lect. Univ. Dr Cristian Barnea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
He who delves into the writings of St. Gregory Palamas and strives to understand the meaning of his theology, cannot fail to remain, at one point, amazed by the beauty of such inspired and enlightened thinking, contemplating the richness of Godʼs...
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Pnevmatic experience in prayer from the perspective of Orthodox theology and Pentecostal theology. Missiological evaluation
Pr. Drd. Alexandru Baciu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Man, created by God in His image, is by excellence a Eucharistic and liturgical being, and his purpose is to glorify God in prayer. Prayer, from the perspective of Orthodox theology, is not only a form of dialogue with God, it is also a spiritual...
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Întrebarea cu privire la sensul vieții ca prilej de a ne întâlni cu noi înșine, cu Dumnezeu, și cu semenii. Analiza unor reflecții filosofice din perspectiva teologiei ortodoxe
Drd. Ciprian Apostol Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Today, when questioning the meaning of life, we identify certain attitudes. In the following lines, I propose to specify some of these attitudes, which I will later analyse from a theological point of view, highlighting the specifics of Christian...
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Rugăciunea în educația religioasă act de cunoaștere a lui Dumnezeu și sfințire a elevilor
Drd. Maria Camelia Angheluș Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In this article I tried to present the prayer as the rising of the soul to God and also as a secret conversation between man and God, representing the practical dimension of faith because in that moment you are in front of God, sharing his presence...
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Implicații bioetice în intervențiile medicale specifice persoanelor transgender
Drd. Ionuț-Paul Anea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In the desire for an anatomical conformation to the gender that certain transgender people claim to have, they resort to modern medical technology. These interventions mainly refer to hormone therapies, genital surgeries and specific psychotherapies...
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Invocarea numelui divinității în rugăciune. Isihasm vs. mistica Bhakti
Asist. Univ. Dr. Gheorghe Mihalache Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The divine name or the name of the divinity represents a cardinal element of particular importance for a religious system. The invocation of the divine name legitimizes the relationship that the Divinity has with the one who recognizes it as the...
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Youakim Moubarak: Vers Une Libération De La Théologie Du Salut
Dr. Rita Faraj Faculty of Islamic Studies, Makassed University of Beirut, Lebanon
The present study sheds light on priest Youakim Moubarak, as an important theologian and islamologist, in the Maronite church as well as in the Arab world and Europe. This study presents two angles: first, the Christian - Muslim dialogue in the...
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Rugăciunea și comuniunea omului cu Dumnezeu
Asist. Univ. Dr. Ilche Micevski-Ignat Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Sfântul Kliment de Ohrid”, Skopje
Man is created for communion with God. Communion with God is essential to man's spiritual life and salvation. If man does not maintain his communion with God, he moves away not only from God but also from those close to him. Removal from God creates...
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Church and Change with a Special Focus on the Romanian Institutional Ecclesiology
Pr. conf. univ. dr. Dan Sandu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Pre present context views the Church as a construct of human mind, promoting religiosity and a certain ritual (mostly needed by the people with no reference to a living God) whose main role is to provide social services in a given society, or, in a...
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Saint Syméon le nouveau théologien et Saint Grégoire Palamas, les Pères fondateurs de l’hésychasme
Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Georgi Porphyrios St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology University of Balamand, Lebanon
Two saints, Symeon the New Theologian and Gregory Palamas, played a crucial role in reviving Patristic theology during the period preceding the Great Captivity of Constantinople. Both monastic writers are known as the theologians of the Uncreated...
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Man as co-creator Theological presuppositions of the ethics of reproduction
Prof. Dr. Miltiadis Vantsos Facultatea de Teologie, Școala de Teologie Socială și Cultură Creștină, Universitatea Aristotel din Salonic, Grecia
While God is the creator and giver of life, man can become co-creator in having offspring by following His command to “increase and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen 1: 28). Man's synergy in the creation of life is expressed by the...
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Symeon. The “New Theologian”. A Sign of Contradiction
Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. Pablo Argarate Universitatea „Karl Franzes” din Graz, Austria
Symeon is representative of Christian maximalism, which makes no concessions to human weakness. Preacher of the μετάνοια, in love with Christ, he directs himself entirely to the vision of God or the vision of light. Therefore, on every page of his...
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Călătoria Sf. Pavel în Arabia (Gal. 1, 15-17): scop, durată, importanță
Pr. Drd. Andrei-Tiberiu Zlăvog Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Cluj-Napoca
The call of Paul by Christ to the apostolate, but also the reception of this call, are essential moments in the complex process of transforming a candidate into an apostle. Stating that “...the most important ones did not add anything to my Gospel”...
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Modul de raportare al Sfântului Grigorie Palama la Sfânta Scriptură
Ieromonah Drd. Sofian Gaman Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul”, București
Regarding the way Saint Gregory Palamas interacts with the Holy Scripture we notice that he is similar to other Great Fathers of the Church before him, for the reason that, when he refers to the word of God expressed in the Scriptures, he constantly...
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Coordonate exegetice pe marginea unui text controversat: Iezechiel 20, 25
Pr. Drd. Marius Nicolae Magherca Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
Dans cette étude j’ai essayé de déchiffrer l’un des plus difficiles textes du livre du prophète Ezéchiel (20,25), qui a soulevé de nombreuses controverses dans le groupe des exégètes juifs, mais aussi parmi les exégètes chrétiens. Le verset fait...
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Un demers exegetic contemporan: analiza expresiei „sânul lui Avraam”
Pr. Lect. Univ. Dr Paul-Cezar Hârlăoanu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
In the Orthodox funeral service is used the expression „Abraham’s bossom”. Borrowed from Luke’s gospel, mainly the parable of rich man and Lazarus, the expression itself speaks about eternal life. Actually, the entire parable the opposition between...
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Patterns of Repentance in Luke’s Gospel, underlined in Prayers of Preparation to receive Holy Communion
Pr. conf. univ. dr. Ilie Melniciuc-Puică Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
The Gospel of Luke, with its universal message addressed to Jews and Gentiles alike, has been an “invitation” to Christian introspection and fortification. Christian cultic ministry has recorded the reception of the biblical text in its most...
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