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Narațiunea creștină ilustrată, de la concept la realitate
Leonard Luția
In the contemporary context, the Christian Graphic Novel is defined in the western world as a juxstaposed series of pictorial or other images placed in an intentional order to convey information or to produce an aesthetic response from the reciver (...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a XI-a
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Bandă desenată sau narațiunea creștină ilustrată? Istoria unui termen-concept într-o lume secularizată
Leonard Luția
In a secular world, where the pop culture phenomenon has become more and more visible in the cotidian, day by day life, the Sequential Art (comics) are also becoming a point of interest for young adult and children. Since 1993, Cardinal Daneels, the...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a X-a
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