Cunoaşterea lui Dumnezeu în viziunea lui Blaise Pascal: o reflexie din perspectivă ortodoxă

Blaise Pascal holds that the knowledge in generally and the knowledge of God through nature and revelation stay in relation with the human faith and love to God. The human is free to choose in God to believe and God to love, and thus God to know. The human knowledge of God has the roots by Pascal in his theory of human orders and in the special role of the heart in the human constitution and in the human possibility of knowledge. This article presents the anthropological roots of human knowledge of God by Pascal and focus on the ambiguity of the Revelation and its consequences for the human knowledge of God and on the relation between belief, free will, love and knowledge of God. It will be maintained that the catholic doctrine of created grace, which is accepted by Pascal, makes useless the separation of human in orders, because the human remains in the created order. That is why the theory of human orders is similar to the theory of evolution and the first explains the emergence of the second within the catholic and protestant space and its large acceptance.