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Lumina lui Hristos versus întunericul acestui veac – aspecte misionare ale mărturisirii credinței din perspectiva Sfântului Apostol și Evanghelist Ioan Teologul
Simion Purice
The Word of God brought everything into existence. He is The Life and The Light of men. Saint John The Apostle wrote in the prologue of his Gospel, as in his Epistoles and the Revelation, about this truth that has been revealed throw the Son...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a XIII-a
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Cunoașterea filocalică a Ortodoxiei. Întoarcerea la Teologia Patristică în postmodernitate
Georgi Porphyrios
The paper draws attention to specific theological considerations from the study of the Church Fathers, without which a discussion of the role of Orthodox theology in the 21st century inevitably leads to an impasse on both a local and Pan-Orthodox...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a XI-a
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Ascultarea glasului Dumnezeului celui viu și rămânerea în viață. Repere exegetice la Deuteronom 4, 33
Elena Onețiu
The present work presents an analysis of the main aspects that facilitate deeper understanding of the expression “living God” in the Deuteronomy (4, 33). The first part of this paper presents general elements of the text narrative proposed for...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a XI-a
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Ciprian Porumbescu, iubitor și creator de muzică bisericească
Mihail Daniliuc
Ciprian Porumbescu belongs to the first generation of Romanian composers from the beginning of the 19th century, alongside Gavriil Musicescu, Gheorghe Dima, Carol Miculi, Isidor Vorobchievici. The context in which he grew and composed is the region...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediţia a IX-a
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Το Χριστολογικό δόγμα καί ol έπιπτώσεις του κατά τόν άγιο Γρηγόριο Παλαμά
Georgi Porphyrios
This article (The Christological Doctrine and its Repercussions According to Saint Gregory Palamas) explores the approach of Saint Gregory Palamas in interpreting the traditional Christological Doctrine in a discourse that bridges the gap between...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a VIII-a
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Ionuț Bădiliță
In the following article, the author tries to emphasize the perspective of St. Ephrem the Syrian (c. 306-373) regarding the mystery of the Holy Eucharist as the wellspring of the entire Christian life. Combining an astonishing technical artistry...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a VI-a
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