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Teologie şi metafizică. Conceptualizarea idolatră şi riscurile sale pentru viaţa spirituală
Mihai-Daniel Isai
The present approach tackles the philosophical and theological reflection for solving a dilemma:: up to what point the discursive character of human logic can help man to know God and from what point it becomes limited or even pointless. The concept...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a VII-a
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Noțiunea de kenoză în gândirea metafizică postmodernă și oportunitatea unei abordări kenotice a misiunii creștine
Lucian Nicodim Codreanu
The article aims in the first place to clarify the relation between the notion of kenosis in postmodern metaphysics and the kenosis as intended by orthodox theology and than to analyse the implication of the metaphysical thought in the kenotic...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a VIII-a
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Provocările dialogului, interreligios între teologia creştină şi Advaita-Vedanta
Ioan Dura
In today's context of globalization can be observed far better the cultural profile of each religion. This fact is a chance for interreligious dialogue and intercultural. On the one hand, Christianity must become aware and accept other religious...
Simpozionul Internaţional „Studia Theologica Doctoralia”, ediția a V-a
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