Noţiunea de „inimă” în Sfânta Scriptură

The contemporary society is mainly preoccupied with the material and financial aspects of the human's life. Especially in the developed countries, the health issues of the society as a whole are strongly connected to the financial aspects, government policies and not the least, the competitive features. Knowing that the meaning of our life on Earth should have as an outcome the acquiring of the eternal life, the Orthodox Spirituality proposes a more comprehensive vision regarding the heart. In the Holy Scripture, the heart is not presented just as an anatomic organ, known as the cord – and it is worth to point out that these types of mentions are rare during the entire textbook. However, in spiritual terms the heart is the center of our human being and it embeds in itself all the characteristics and the profundity of a person. Therefore the heart is the place where the thought is born first, or the headquarters of our feelings, as well as the place where the features of our personality lay, the inner man. Furthermore the heart is also the main place where God manifest Himself, and where man can meet Him. God is looking in the heart, and this is done because it is the room where the truth and real intentions lay. Moreover, the heart cannot stay impartial but has to constantly choose between its Creator and the enemy. The Holy Fathers say that the heart has to be always open for God.