In this study, we tried to bring the reader an episode in the history of relations between Romania and the Holy Mountain. For centuries monks of the Holy Mountain were present in the Romanian Principalities. Also the Romanians was attended the spiritual life of Mount Athos, in ancient times. Paisie Velicikovski, Gregory the Teacher, Basil from Poiana Marului are some of the important names of those who have passed on to Mount Athos. Others have established new settlements lasts until today: Prodromu Hermitage, St. Ana, Kerasia, the Lake Skiti are already enough known. From olden times, Romanians expressed their wish to have their own place of worship, as had Bulgarians, Georgians, Russians and Serbians. There had been several attempts in this direction, some of them being initiated by the Greek monks themselves. Nevertheless, Romanians settled in time either in the big monasteries of Athos, or in hermitages, cells or huts, built or bought by them from Greek monks. Romanian monks have always come in large numbers at Mount Athos, even from the oldest times, when the Romanian countries were getting their political status.