Primul Arhieraticon românesc tipărit cu binecuvântarea Sfântului Sinod (1890)

Within the complex process of appearance, development and crystallization of the service book called Arhieraticon in Romanian, the role and importance of the 1890 edition is a fundamental one. In a period characterized by a great variety and diversity of liturgical practices determined by the influences coming, on the one hand from the Greeks, in Wallachia, and on the other hand from the Slavs, in Moldova, this edition is the expression of the unity and uniformity of service. At the same time, the lack of liturgical uniformity until 1890 was also due to the subjective and discretionary character of the manuscripts of the Romanian Arhieraticon - the main form of existence of this service book in Romanian until then. First of all, the present study exposes the historical, religious and liturgical context of the 1890 edition of the Arhieraticon, dominated by events such as the Union of Romanian Principalities in 1859, the consecration of the Holy and Great Myrrh in 1882, and the autocephaly of the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1885. The process of writing and publishing the Arhieraticon of 1890 can be analysed in detail, thanks to the access to the Minutes of the Holy Synod, the spring session of 1890. These documents describe in great detail the discussions occasioned by the turmoil related to the conciliation of the two spheres of influence - Greek and Russian. The presentation of three models of the service for the bishop's ordination shows that the process of liturgical uniformity was at the beginning of the road. Also, the presence of a Typikon for the service of the hierarch at the end of the Arhieraticon, which contains the details related to the attire, attitude, place, and liturgical movements when concelebrating, shows the concern of the Holy Synod for achieving liturgical uniformity. Located at the intersection of two Orthodox worlds - Greek and Russian, the 1890 edition of the Arhieraticon represents the expression of temperance, balance and moderation in the rigor of typiconal details. Subsequent editions continued and completed the process of crystallization and standardization of the liturgical practices of the bishop. This process is a living and dynamic one, the last printed edition of the Romanian Arhieraticon - Bucharest, 2012, added new services of ordination and blessing: of the cantor (psaltes), of the church painter, of the acolyte (altar boy) etc.