Iași Coordonator Pr. Prof. Dr. Viorel Sava TRUPUL OMULUI DUPĂ MOARTE ÎN CONCEPŢIA SFÂNTULUI GRIGORIE DE NYSSAPr. Drd. Cristian Barnea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Saint Gregory of Nyssa will often address in his writings the great mystery of man’s resurrection along with his body. The identity between the body of the dead man and the one of the resurrected, the ontological unity between soul and body, the...citește mai mult LITURGHIE ŞI FILANTROPIE ÎN VIAŢA SFÂNTULUI VASILE CEL MAREPr. Drd. Ciprian Dumitrache Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași St. Basil the Great remains in the history of the Church as the theologian of Liturgy and philanthropy. He managed to perfectly combine the Liturgy, the Eucharistic service and the ministry of his brothers. For Saint Basil the Great, Liturgy can not...citește mai mult TEOLOGIA ŞI DISCURSUL TEOLOGIC ÎN CELE 5 CUVÂNTĂRI TEOLOGICE ALE SFÂNTULUI GRIGORIE DE NAZIANZDrd. Ioan Dura Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Christianity is a theology, a dialogue with and about God, fully revealed in Jesus Christ. This reality, translated into the experience of the religious life, and, particularly, in the sacramental and liturgical space of Church, requires – in today’...citește mai mult CONCEPŢIA HOLISTICĂ A SFÂNTULUI VASILE CEL MARE ÎN RAPORT CU ÎNGRIJIREA BOLNAVILOR ÎN INSTITUŢIILE CU PROFIL MEDICO-RELIGIOSDrd. Speranța-Giulia Herea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Due to exceptional personalities of Christian theology, the philanthropy of the fourth century, named also the gold age of the Christianity, integrates almost exhaustively the message of the Jesus’ Gospel related to the suffering people. The...citește mai mult ACTUALITATEA OMILIEI DESPRE MULTUMIRE A SFANTULUI VASILE CEL MAREPr. Drd. Adrian Morțun Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Saint Basil the Great presents in two of his homilies – Homily IV, on the giving of thanks, and Homily V, on Julitta, a lady of Cæsarea, martyred in 306 – the teachings of Saint Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians regarding the joy, the prayer and the...citește mai mult ÎNVĂŢĂTURILE ASCETICE ALE SFÂNTULUI VASILE CEL MAREDrd. Ion Munteanu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The founder of the Ascetic School, as Humberclaude says, is Saint Basil the Great. Besides the fact that he was passionate for the ascetic life and due to the influence of his sister Macrina, St. Basil visited personally the most famous places at...citește mai mult SF. VASILE CEL MARE (330-379) OM AL RUGĂCIUNII ŞI LUCRĂTOR AL IUBIRII Elemente, structuri şi formulări teologice cu privire la angajarea socială, reflectate în construcţiile liturgice ale rugăciunilor atribuite Sf. Vasile cel MarePr. Drd. Mihai Pavel Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The Eucharist service has always been a unique/particular form of engaging the faithful in an open dialogue with God and among themselves; through its prayers, the Church has had the opportunity to formulate and express her holistic understanding of...citește mai mult SFÂNTUL FIRMILIAN, EPISCOP AL CEZAREEI CAPADOCIEI: „SCRISOAREA LXXV” ADRESATĂ CĂTRE SFÂNTUL CIPRIAN AL CARTAGINEI (traducere, note şi comentarii)Diac. Drd. Cezar Pelin Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Although Firmilian seems to be the least famous of the Cappadocian Fathers, his election as bishop of the Caesarea of Cappadocia province, in 230 A.C., marks the beginning of a list of great Bishops that will culminate with names like Basil the...citește mai mult CINSTIREA SFINŢILOR - GRIJĂ ŞI ÎMPLINIRE ÎN SLUJIREA ARHIPĂSTOREASCĂ A SFÂNTULUI VASILE CEL MAREPr. Drd. Marius Pîjîn Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The church has, through its mission, the duty of guiding people towards holiness, and you must recognize and honor those who have attained holiness. Today, when people, seemed to deliberately, lose their sense of sacred, the reaffirmation of the...citește mai mult FAȚETE ALE CULTURII LAICE LA SFINȚII IERARHI VASILE CEL MARE (330-379) ȘI NICOLAE VELIMIROVICI (1880-1956)Ierod. Masterand Cleopa Stefanovic Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași In this essay I tried to discover new meanings in the relation between two orthodox Saints and the secular culture. So, we have here an interpretation of two similar attitudes: Saint Basil’s the Great attitude and Saint Nicolaj’s Velimirović one. I...citește mai mult UTILIZAREA GENULUI EPISTOLAR LA PĂRINŢII CAPADOCIENIDiac. Drd. Dragoș Ungureanu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași In this study, I pointed the importance of the letter or the correspondance that the Capadociens Parents used as method of keeping the communion with the persons the lived at larg distances in Christ's Church, but also as an effective method of...citește mai mult cuprins-std-vol-i-2009.pdf