Iași Coordonator Pr. Prof. Dr. Viorel Sava Sfânta Taină a Botezului în scrierile teologice ale Mitropolitului Andrei ȘagunaDrd. Mircea Abrudan Facultatea de Istorie şi Filosofie, Universitatea ,,Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca Through his multiple activities, Andrei baron of Şaguna (1808-1873), the metropolitan of the orthodox Romanians from Transylvania and Hungary, proved to be the greatest church personality of the Romanians under the Austrian Monarchy of the 19th...citește mai mult An analysis of the Commentaries on the Lord's prayer by Origen and Maximus the ConfessorDr. Adrian Agache Universitatea din Winchester, Anglia The interpretations on the Lord’s Prayer of both Origen and Maximus the Confessor are compared and contrasted in order to acknowledge the similarities and differences that occurred between the exegesis of the third century and the one of the sixth....citește mai mult Problema timpului la Platon și AugustinDrd. Veronica Anton Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The interest into the intricate problem of time arises with Plato and reaches luxuriant depths with Augustine. The Greek philosopher does not treat time as a systematic and independent topic of reflection, but he integrates it into a cosmological...citește mai mult Familia persoanei dependente de alcool – nevoi pastorale specialeDrd. Andrei Atudori Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași This paper outlines that undeniable fact that the family of an alcohol dependent person needs, just as the alcoholic, a special attention from the priest, in his pastoral care, attention that must be manifested according to the emotional...citește mai mult Incursiune în gândirea iudaică și creștină cu referire la taina și împlinirea omului în familieDrd. Silvia Cerlat Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Man doesn’t exist only for himself and through himself, but exists through God’s will and for his fellows, too. Therefore, „It is no good that the man should be alone” (Genesis 2, 18), considering that by his nature man is communicative. Marriage...citește mai mult Anthropological perspectives in dialogue: modern psychology and Fathers of the PhilokaliaDr. Simona Ciobanu Universitatea din Durham, Marea Britanie The present paper represents a comparative study of the anthropological perspectives developed by two fields of knowledge concerned with human being presented in the title. After delineating and defining the concepts used at the theoretical level,...citește mai mult Mecanisme de pãstrare a Ortodoxiei și ortopraxiei în Biserica RăsăriteanăDr. Ștefan Colbu Şcoala Naţională de Studii Politice şi Administrative Bucureşti Using the methodological tools offered by the new institutional economics, in this paper I attempt to analyse the means by wich the Orthodox Church manages to preserve continuity in terms of dogmatic, liturgic and moral issues. The relevancy of the...citește mai mult Elemente liturgice privind căsătoria în antichitatea păgână, la evrei și la creștinii primelor veacuriPr. Drd. Ovidiu Iulian Corozel Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The Orthodox Church worship is marked by a lot of very old beliefs and traditions, which origin is lost in the ancient practices of time. The worship practice in the ancient period shows the preserving of some elements from other media, especially...citește mai mult Non-eul budist (anatta) și consecințele sale în problema suferințeiDrd. Constantin Crețu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași In this article, I propose to analyze one of the most challenging doctrine of Buddhism, namely, the doctrine of non-self and, at the same time, to point out such a close link between this doctrine and the problem of suffering. The statement...citește mai mult Strategii de prozelitism specifice noilor mișcări religioasePrep. Drd Constantin-Iulian Damian Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Concerning their recruitment techniques and strategies, new religious movements manifest a high degree of fluidity and adaptability. First of all, considering the data from the past, many of these movements limited their missionary activities to the...citește mai mult Modernitatea între religios și secularPr. Drd. Daniel Dascălu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași In this study I have tried to present some outlines of the historical course of modernity and post-modernity in theology and sociology. The historical case of the Romanian modernity is apart from the other European cases and reveals some different...citește mai mult O societate a clerului ortodox de la Dunărea de Jos la începutul secolului al XX-leaPr. Drd. Florin Drăgoi Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Sfântul Apostol Andrei”, Constanţa In the first half of the 20th century in the Diocese of Lower Danube, there was a society of priests founded by Bishop Pimen Georgescu, which boosted the activity of clergy in this area. I tried to present its philanthropic and cultural work in an...citește mai mult Islam și islamismPr. Drd. Ionuţ Duma Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Islam today appears as a living, strong and growing religion, not yet touched by the scourge of secularization. For some non-Muslim it’s a source of concern, and for others, an exotic and enigmatic religion. Islam is a religion which takes over all...citește mai mult Brahman ekam-eva-advitiyam – premiza non-dualismului vedantinDrd. Ioan Dura Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași This article is a incursion into the metaphysics of Sankara, which proposes a paradoxical dialectic of the One (Brahman) and many (the multiplicity of phenomenal world of names and forms). Brahman is ekam-eva-advitiyam (One-without-the-second)...citește mai mult Scurtã incursiune exegetică asupra Psalmului 86 din Biblia EbraicăPr. Asist. Univ. Dr. Paul-Cezar Hârlăoanu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Sometime is very important to know who the real author of a book is or who wrote some biblical passage. The Psalm 86 is one of the most controversial from the entire Book of Psalms. There are still some arguments which allow us to accept the truth...citește mai mult Analiza unui model non-convențional de suport spiritual și psihiatric al bolnavilor cu suferințe psihice în contextul învățăturii creștin-ortodoxeDrd. Speranța-Giulia Herea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași This paper will first expose a therapy based on asiatic religious principles, and finally will analyze critically its deficiencies as compared with the Christian concepts and principles regarding the fundamental problems taken into account. The goal...citește mai mult Teologia pocăinței – repere vechitestamentarePr. Drd. Mihai Ifrim Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Repentance takes time and freedom to fully show their effectiveness. Time and freedom are also two coordonates by which man is guided through the work of returning to the Lord. Teshubah, an important concept for jewish theologiy is emphasized in...citește mai mult Stevrhsis – O formă a negației la AristotelDrd. Daniel Jugrin Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The theology of alpha privative flourishes in the late Hellenistic thinking. This popularity of the alpha privative gives testimony for an innovative transcendentalism in the religious reflection. Such expressions of transcendence could be...citește mai mult Ascendit in caelum et sedet ad dexteram Deis: The Ascension of Christ in the gospels according to Mark and JohnDrd. Justin A. Mihoc Universitatea din Durham, Marea Britanie In the present study I aim to examine two of the most important texts for the study of the Ascension of Jesus Christ. Apart from the Lukan writings, we find accounts of the Ascension event only in Mark and John, the first being a rewriting of (maybe...citește mai mult Învățământul muzical la Mănăstirea Neamț (1950-1976)Diac. Drd. Gabriel Nastasă Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul”, București This study presents some aspects about church music education from Neamţ Monastery between 1950-1976. During the communist regime, Neamţ Monastery school underwent several changes: it was created by merging schools singers in Iaşi, Suceava and Roman...citește mai mult Percep]ia modelelor și valorilor (religioase) la adolescenții cu vârsta cuprinsă între 16-19 ani din Iași – studiu de cazDrd. Vladislav Nedelcu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The case study Role models and religious values perception on teenagers aged between 16 and 19 years old from Ia[i proposes to the Church a knowledge research of the reality of the teenagers religious values . In the research have participated 505...citește mai mult Depresia – patimă a lumii contemporaneDrd. Petronela (Polixenia) Nistor Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Depression, as specialists consider it, has a long history and it is known as one of the greatest dramas of the human existence and, in the same time, very far of being fully understood. Regarded both as a physically illness and a spiritual one or...citește mai mult Animale permise și nepermise: behemah și hayyah între acceptare și excludere în Cartea LeviticulDrd. Cristian-Vasile Onica Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Taking into consideration the fact that most of the daily activities had a deeper meaning involving the religious and cultic life, providing food for one’s family made no exception. Chapter 11 from the Book of Leviticus is one of the most famous...citește mai mult Yahwe Hanneni – Inima rugăciunii psalmice. Receptarea temei în literatura de specialitateDrd. Stelian Pașca-Tușa Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Cluj-Napoca Throughout this study we intend to sistematically expose the main directions of research which had to deal with the decryption of the meaning of the prayer Lord have mercy on me and with the plenary understanding of it. In the first part of this...citește mai mult De la imaginile neo-testamentare la imnografia secolului al VI-lea: Condacul la nunta cea din Cana (EIS TON EN KANA GAMON) al Sf. Roman Melodul. Perspectiva istorică, aspectele filologice și teologia saDrd. Alexandru Prelipcean Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul”, București From the images of New-Testament to the hymnography of the 6th century: “On the Marriage at Cana” (Εij ς τoV ν ejν Κάνë~ γάμον) kondakion. Historical perspectives, philological elements, and his Theology. The absence of convincing theological...citește mai mult Teologia numelor divine vechi-testamentare în exorcismele Sf. Vasile cel MarePr. Drd. Cristian Prilipcean Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The present article analyses in a concise manner the Old Testament and New Testament Divine Names mentioned in St Basil the Great’s Exorcisms. While by treating the instances within St Basil’s general use of the Bible the author underlines their...citește mai mult Elemente de ordin liturgic în lucrarea „Iconografia și întocmirile din internul Bisericei Răsăritene”, a Patriarhului Miron CristeaPr. Drd. Cezar Pelin Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The first Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Miron Cristea, remains in history not only as an accomplished orator, but a erudite bishop. His speeches and sermons replete with theological informations, also as an especially biblical and...citește mai mult Revista Teologică de la Iași – „buna vestire” a teologiei româneștiDrd. Nicolae V. Pintilie Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași citește mai mult Botezul în scrierile Sfântului Simeon Noul TeologDrd. Alexandru Roșu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul”, București Baptism provides for one of the best introductions to the theology of Saint Symeon The New Theologian. It represents not only one of the keys to understanding the spirituality of his writings, but perhaps the best thread to follow in order to grasp...citește mai mult Rugul aprins – popas de spiritualitatePr. Drd. Dragoș Ungureanu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The present article has the role to underline the historical aspects regarding the isihasm movement called “The Burning Pyre”. I am going to explain how it originated, the type of organisation it had and as well, who were its members. In addition, I...citește mai mult cuprins-std-vol-iii-2011.pdf