Iași Coordonator Pr. Prof. Dr. Viorel Sava The End of Christian U-Topy? On the Emergence of the Notion of “Holy Places” and “Holy Land” in the Fourth CenturyProf. Dr. phil. Dr. Pablo Argarate Universitatea „Karl Franzes” din Graz, Austria In 2013 we are experiencing a number of conferences around Constantine. In them, much deals with the impact this Roman emperor had upon the Church. Especially in the West, a critical approach in this regard reigns. Constantine, in this perception,...citește mai mult Dansul profan şi cel religios - căteva reflecţii biblicePr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Petre Semen Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași citește mai mult Opera Părintelui Profesor Dr. Ene Branişte în contextul cercetării liturgice contemporanePr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Viorel Sava Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The article entitled “The Work of Fr. Dr. Ene Branişte in the Context of the Contemporary Liturgical Research” is dedicated to the comemoration of the centenary of birth of the greatest professors of Liturgy and researchers on liturgical area in the...citește mai mult Theology between discourse and experience, between speech and feelingPr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Cristinel Teșu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași In the spiritual experience of the great spiritual Fathers of Orthodox Spirituality, theology means not talking about God, but talking with Him, the dialogue with Him achieved during a state of prayer. It is not an elaborate discourse about Him, but...citește mai mult Parohia, orizont al evanghelizării, mărturiei creştine, apostolatului cultural şi social. Statutul preotuluiPr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Gheorghe Petraru Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași citește mai mult La catéchèse de Saint Jean Chrysostome et l'éducation religieuse dans l'école roumaine d’aujourd'huiConf. Univ. Dr. Carmen Maria Bolocan Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Dans les pays de tradition chrétienne, y compris le nôtre, la catéchèse, à côté de la célébration du baptême, du mariage et des funéralles religieuses, constitue l’un des organes témoins de l’ancienne alliances entre la religion et la société. Elle...citește mai mult Buna convieţuire religioasă în Dobrogea - mod de manifestare al dialogului intercultural şi interreligiosPr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Vasile Nechita Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Sfântul Apostol Andrei”, Constanţa In a globalized society, in which religious pluralism is very pointed, is required, in a logical order, a climate of good understanding interethnic and interreligious cohabitation. Basically, the religious pluralism, highlighted in American and...citește mai mult Lumea - spaţiu al comuniunii omului cu DumnezeuDrd. Pr. Ionuț Bădiliță Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași In this article, the author tries to examine the „world” concept in the light of Eastern Theology. Unlike the ancient philosophers, who emphasized the negative aspects of the created world, primarily seen as a prison from which man must free himself...citește mai mult Forme de manifestare a libertăţii creştine în timpul Sfântului Împărat Constantin cel Mare şi astăziDrd. Doru-Mihai Barna Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The author describes aspects concerning the seen part of the unseen religious freedom in terms of ecclesiastical and missionary’. The acts in history in general speak about a personal freedom, but there can be also a freedom of a community, so...citește mai mult De la protectoratul constantinian la sacerdoţiul imperial: Moise - paradigma monarhului creştin în viziunea eusebianăDrd. Dragoș Boicu Universitatea „Lucian Blaga”, Sibiu From the protectorate of Constantine the Great to the imperial priesthood: Moses - the paradigm for the Christian emperor according to the vision of Eusebius. The study analyzes the particular vision of Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea, who makes a...citește mai mult Aspecte generale privind colindele populare şi cântecele de steaDr. Daniela Doroșincă Universitatea de Arte ,,George Enescu”, Iași Carols and songs are stand-musical poetic embodiments make their presence fe lt during the winter holidays and Easter. Birth of Jesus Christ and early events are events that are present occasion the wishes and songs of joy and celebration in herited...citește mai mult Modalităţi de prelucrare a colindelor populare în muzica corală româneascăDr. Daniela Doroșincă Universitatea de Arte ,,George Enescu”, Iași Processing rules that were applied choral composers of popular carols are performed either by approximation or using contrapuntal technique or by eterofonie, or combined these modal tehnici. Melosul of rare beauty and originality of carols and songs...citește mai mult Repere ale activităţii pastoral-misionare a preotului Ludovic Cosma din oraşul GalaţiPr. dr. Florin Drăgoi Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Constanța Galaţi pre and inter-war cultural landscape was driven by the exceptional work of a priest servant at Parish „Saints Kings Constantin and Helene “from the city on the Danube. The work focused on the cultural status of the faithful masses by...citește mai mult Provocările dialogului, interreligios între teologia creştină şi Advaita-VedantaDr. Ioan Dura Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași In today's context of globalization can be observed far better the cultural profile of each religion. This fact is a chance for interreligious dialogue and intercultural. On the one hand, Christianity must become aware and accept other religious...citește mai mult Misiunea Bisericii şi necesitatea dialogului inter-religios,Drd. Ioan Filimon Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Alba Iulia The dialogue between religions constitutes an important part of the concerns of our times. The economical, social and political changes led to massive displacements of populations, so we can no longer talk about territories where we may find...citește mai mult The Holy Scripture and the aspects of divine patiencePr. asist. Drd. Paul-Cezar Hârlăoanu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași When God speaks, the Holy Scriptures present Him either according to the way in which He reveals Himself in his Works, or in the message He sends to the author of the sacred text. Each time, the Lord’s purpose is to grant man with an answer to his...citește mai mult Specificul lamentaţiilor bibliceDrd. Pr. Costel Hroștea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The term 'mourning' describes the ritual behaviour of individuals or groups of persons who do not mourn the dead as well as that of those who do. The term describes the mourning behaviour of petitioners of the deity, of persons afflicted with skin...citește mai mult Psalmul mesianic 110: traducere şi comentariuDrd. Ioan Leonte Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași The present paper constitutes a translation followed by a commentary of the messianic psalm 110 (109 in the Septuagint numérotation). Having David as its author, the present hymn depicts the reign of the Messiah ensured by Yahweh. The Annoited One...citește mai mult Slujbele cu „Aliluia” în perioada Postului Nașterii Domnului: actuate sau desuete?Cezar Login Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Cluj-Napoca Alleluia services during Nativity Lent in the contemporary practice of the Orthodox Church: are they actual or out of use? ‘Alleluia’ services are Orthodox divine celebrations during which, at Vespers, instead of the prokeimenon ‘Alleluia’ is sung...citește mai mult Inculturație în epoca Sfinţilor împăraţi: "ousia” şi “ipostasis” în terminologia trinitarăDrd. Ștefan Mărculeț Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Sfântul Andrei Șaguna”, Sibiu Inculturation, or the incarnation of Gospel within cultures, expresses how Holy Fathers used the Greek philosophy in theological writings and doctrines. This study willfocus on how the ancient Greek terms „ousia ” and „ipostasis” have been...citește mai mult Convertirea împăratului Constantin cel MareDrd. Pr. Daniel Nichita Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Conversion of St. Emperor Constantine mades of this person one of the most important missionaries that Christianity ever had. His great merit was to maintain the balance between secular and sacred in a society often marked by disputes between...citește mai mult L’expérience de l’abandon de Dieu chez l'Archimandrite Sophrony (Saharov) et son explication théologiqueDrd. Anatolie Negruță Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe Saint-Serge, Paris Notre recherche porte sur: l’abandon de Dieu dans la pansée de l’Archimandrite Sophrony (Saharov), la place et l’importance de sa théologie dans la Tradition de l’Eglise et dans la théologie contemporaine. L’Archimandrite Sophrony devient connu...citește mai mult Misiunea creştină ca participare la Misiunea Presfintei Treimi în teologia secolelor XX-XXI. O fundamentare teologică pentru misiunea contemporanăProtos. Drd. Simeon Pintea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Cluj-Napoca The Christian Mission Viewed as Participation in the Mission of the All Holy Trinity in the Theology of the 20 and 21st centuries. A Theological Foundation for the Contemporary Mission. In the 21st century there can be observed a paradigmatic change...citește mai mult Unitate şi diversitate. Cultul sfinţilor împăraţi Constantin şi Elena în Biserica EtiopianăDrd. Nicolae V. Pintilie Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Church of Ethiopia prides itself on heir to the and successor to two great personalities who have changed the destiny of the world and the Church. Key moments, receiving the Christian faith during the Emperor Constantine and St. Athanasius Orthodox...citește mai mult Personalitatea Părintelui Profesor Dumitru Stăniloae în contextul istorico-teologic al secolului al X X-leaDrd. Pr. Bogdan-Ionel Piștea Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Speech that we developed in the pages of this article, is meant to point out some aspects in regards with the life and activity of Father Dumitru Staniloae - the man that is considered to be the biggest theologian of the XXth century. Although it is...citește mai mult Chipul Apostolului Pavel creionat în primele două cuvinte engomiastice ale Sfântului loan HrisostomDrd. Alexandru Prelipcean Facultatea de Teologie, Școala de Teologie Socială și Cultură Creștină, Universitatea Aristotel din Salonic, Grecia The vision of St. John Chrysostom on St. Paul has been discussed in many studies, especially in the author’s comments on patristic exegetical work. However, these studies fail in part to outline portrait „Apostle o fthe Gentiles”, as long as there...citește mai mult Paradigma iubirii în teologia părintelui StăniloaeSilviu Cristian Rad Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Alba Iulia Cette étude présente les principaux aspects de la théologie consacrée au père Dumitru Stăniloae, aspects de l ’amour divin. La recherche menée tient à préciser quelques situations existentielles rencontrées dans l'ascension de l ’homme au salut. L ’...citește mai mult Particular Judgement in the view ofOrthodox hymnographyPr. Asist. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Santi Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Universitatea Valahia, Targoviște Man, being dichotomous by creation, belongs to both heaven through his soul, as the image of the Creator, and to the earth by his body which was taken from the dust. At the end of his earthly existence, man loosen himself from the body he was...citește mai mult Tipografia de la Mănăstirea NeamţArhim. Drd. Benedict Sauciuc Facultatea de Teologie, Istorie și Științe ale Educației Craiova, România The monastery Printing houses were the first workshops block capitals in our country. Order advent of life and love to put people in the light has led to a greater development pattern. His books printed in monastery typography have not been strictly...citește mai mult Simbolism, tradiţii şi tendinţe actuale în practicile funerare româneştiDrd. Cătălin Soare Universitatea „Karl Franzes” din Graz, Austria This article intends throw light upon the richness of Romanian traditions related to burial and commemoration ceremonials of dead people. Here I present some aspects of the communion existing between living and dead as it is reflected in the...citește mai mult Dreptatea lui Dumnezeu la poporul alesDrd. George-Codruț Țapciuc Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași Der Gerechtigkeitsgedanke bildet eines der wichtigsten Themen der Theologie des Alten Testaments. Gerechtigkeit beschreibt im Alten Testament immer eine konkrete Beziehung zwischen zwei Größe. Im Blick auf Gott bezieht sich die Begriffe (zaedek und...citește mai mult Dogmatica părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae şi cea a părintelui Iustin Popovici-o privire comparativăDiac. Asist. Dr. Florin Toader Tomoioagă Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă ,,Episcop Dr. Vasile Coman”, Universitatea din Oradea The major focus of this article is to offer an overview of the main methodological and doctrinal differences and similarities that can be observed when comparing Dumitru Stăniloae's work Teologia dogmatică ortodoxă and the work of the Serbian saint...citește mai mult Impactul creştinismului asupra genezei identităţii şi conştiinţei europeneDrd. Andreea Trandafir Facultatea de Filozofie şi Ştiinţe Social-Politice, Iaşi Dans un siècle, dans un nouveau millénaire, viscéralement marqué par les processus subsumés au phénomène de la mondialisation, le concept de «l’Europe» rassemble les plus profondes diversités sans y les mélanger puortant. L’Europe se matérialise...citește mai mult Rolul modelului matern în dezvoltarea personalităţiiProf. Dr. Oana-Paula Zaharia Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi This article aims to highlight some aspects regarding the factors that contribute to individual development. The paper shows social determinants, particularly how the skills and maternal characteristics leades to the formation and improvement of the...citește mai mult cuprins-std-vol-v-2013.pdf