Facing bitterness and wounds resulting from growing marital conflicts and the spirit of self-centeredness, Christian spouses are being challenged to live the mystery of marriage according to the Gospel calling. They resort to psychotherapists to help them overcome their differences. The social trend encourages them to use their own efforts at self-salvation. However, the keys to resolving various conflicting issues in marriage are patterned on the sacrament of repentance and the guidance of a spiritual father. The purpose of the spiritual fatherhood is to bring inner healing and to save the soul of the penitent, not through condemnation, but by obedience to the divine commandments, repentance, and sonship to God. Thus, this paper examines the essential work of spiritual fatherhood in relation to guiding spouses. The paper concludes that the sacrament of marriage is intimately linked to the sacrament of repentance, and that spiritual guidance for the couple ought to be initiated from the time of their engagement, leading to establishing their marital life as a site of spiritual formation and inner transformation through the sacramental grace of the Holy Spirit channeled by the priest.