The repast or the celebration of the Christian event of Assumption of Mary achieves in the Orthodox liturgy the fulfilment of the desideratum of resurrection, which is an icon, through the Mother of God, of the resurrection of all Christians. As Messiah offered His Mother the fleshly assumption, the Christians will experience it too, and as the Virgin unified with Him in the Sky, the believers will receive their reward when the time comes. Its age is contemporaneous with the event itself, as participants celebrated the Assumption, then each of them spread the custom in the place where they preached. Its origin lies in Jerusalem, due the empty tomb from the Gethsemane Garden. It became a general repast of Orthodoxy after the 7th century, by the intervention of Emperor Maurice. The Church Fathers see the repast of Assumption as an „unpaid” Christian debt that derives from the good made by God to the humankind by the embodiment of Jesus Christ, which was possible due to the contribution of the Virgin. In order to strengthen her awe, they all bring strong arguments explaining why the Assumption of Mary and then the unification with the Son were necessary. At the same time, we notice to them a rich metaphorical language concerning the Virgin, meant to facilitate the understanding of reasons why we glorify the repast of the Assumption. In other words, Her Assumption is similar to the Resurrection of Messiah, a guarantee of our redemption.